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If you want to see a full list of Curta Serial Numbers by category of number please go to Categories of Curta Serial Numbers.


Characteristics of the Curta Serial Number 54798:
Type: 1
Date of manufacture: August 1963
Age: 60 years old
Total Curtas Type 1 produced: 79527
Total Production Number: From the start: 53898, Up to the end: 25629
Curtas Type 1 produced in 1963: 3250
Production Number of 1963: From the start: 1918, Up to the end: 1332
Precision of registers: 8, 11, 6 (Digits of Input, Result & Counter register)
Color of the body: Black
Style of setting knobs: Narrow rectangular with teeth
Style of operating handle: Plastic, flat top with arrow, red stripe for subtract
Style of the Canister: Metal, opens clockwise

Categories of the Serial Number 54798:
Category of Number: Is this Serial Number? Previous Serial Number Next Serial Number Curtas of this category
Composite Yes! 54797 54800 128809
Prime No 54787 54799 12378
Twin Prime No 54631 54917 2882
Semi Prime No 54797 54803 31483
Automorphic No 9376 n/a 1
Triangular No 54615 54946 419
Square No 54756 55225 295
Palindromic No 54745 54845 867
Fibonacci No 46368 75025 11
Perfect No 8128 n/a 1

True pictures, click on the thumbnail for full size image:

Need more info about your Curta? Please try here:

The eBay Slide Rule Search from the Rod Lovett's Slide Rules website: An extensive list of Curtas, slide rules and other calculating devices sold on eBay in recent years. Contains the original eBay page and the original pictures. You can obtain the list of Curtas clicking here.

The CURTA Collectors and Registry Page from the Rick Furr's website vcalc.net "The Calculator Reference": More than 1,000 Curtas with information about its owners and some of the history of the machine.

The List of Curtas from curta.org "Your Complete Curta Calculator Site": A list of more than 1,100 Curtas with the owner's name and country, sorted by serial number.

The CURTA Stats from the Francis Teyssier's website: A list of 2,200 Curtas sold on eBay since 2006 with serial number, condition, date of sale, price, eBay transaction number and number of bids, sorted by serial number, date of sale or price. You can search in Google by transaction number to try to find more information.

Another good source is www.WorthPoint.com where you can find information about Curtas sold on eBay since 2001. If you have a valid WorthPoint account you can see the price of the sale.

Want to add your pictures?

If you want to post pictures of your Curta in this website please send me at info@curtamania.com. Please write a legend to attach to the pictures like "This Curta belongs to... ", "Pictures property of... ", "Copyright of pictures belongs to... " or something else you want and I'll show it below the pictures. Remember to write or show the serial number. I can't update regularly the database so I may delay a couple of months to add the pictures on the website.

Transparency Note:

I try to be honest in this webpage, I do not show pictures from:
- Important Curta sellers from Europe, US and other countries.
- Current auctions, usually I show the pictures around 1 or 2 month after closing.
- People that make me a request to remove it.
- Pictures not related with the simple spirit of this page: Just show Curtas!
I do not sell or trade this pictures, I only want to collaborate with the Curta fan community with this large picture database.
In the first 5 year of use of this webpage I received 2 claims for picture copyright (actually I believe it is the same person!) from Passau, Germany. If you think I may infringe any picture copyright or want I remove a particular Curta's pictures, just tell me!

(*) This information is based on a large database of Curtas (see facts below) sold on the internet in recent years. There may be several listings of the same Curta, so you can see differents series of pictures of the same Curta in differents styles, sizes and qualities. Images are not retouched in any way, in some cases rotated for a better view. Please take this info only as a reference, there may be some unintentional inconsistences or mistakes in the original listings or in my handling.

Curtas Type 1: DB Generation: 29/December/2020, Curtas: 4227, Pictures: 28098.
Curtas Type 2: DB Generation: 29/December/2020, Curtas: 3852, Pictures: 25983.
Total Curtas: 8079, Total Pictures: 54081.

Manufacturing Date Calculator developed in collaboration with curta.li, Switzerland. [sEbP]
Public domain | Source of original production records of Contina AG: curta.li

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